Friday, February 19, 2010

What happened to the person I knew?

I have been amazed lately at how much my now ex-husband has changed since alcohol has consumed his world. I have thought for a while that he hasn't looked well. I used to think there were times he didn't look well but did have times that he looked like his normal self. I am very sad that I haven't seen his normal self in a very long time. I wonder if maybe the change I see is not related to alcohol. Maybe I am just overly sensitive to any changes in him. I do think when a person begins questioning themselves in a situation that involves an alcoholic, that it is likely the co-dependency, or whatever it's called, type of cycle. I have read about those who live with an alcoholic who spend their life trying to decide if the other person is an alcoholic, while the alcoholic is expending as much energy trying to convince those around them that they aren't an alcoholic. When you are in this world, you lose sight of what is normal and slowly accept their world as normal. You get sucked in. For me, I can just be done with the situation, but its not as easy for my kids. This is their dad. He will likely always be in my life because he is their dad, but I can choose aomeone else as a life partner. I suppose they can make the same choice but it is a long painful road to get to the place where you think that is necessary for your own personal survival. I wish we weren't in this situation. Our divorce has been painful enough without the alcoholism or "problem drinking" overshadowing it. I would have never guessed in a million years that we would be in this place. I mean Will was the best dad, the best husband, the best dentist. He really is the best at everything he does. I don't know why he doesn't see himself in that light. It breaks my heart to see him let go of these things as the alcohol consumes his life. I am sad for him. I am sad for our children. I am sad for me. I am sure God is the saddest of all.

1 comment:



I can so relate to this.

*deep sad sigh*

Hang in there.